Service Details

Our Service Overview

EnviroMet performs the full spectrum of stack testing services to all types of industries, satisfying regulatory requirements for emissions testing as well as providing vital process evaluation data, performance optimization and guarantee testing. Our stack testing teams routinely sample for all regulated pollutants, including criteria pollutants, hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and volatile organic compounds.


EnviroMet follows ASTM 1014-12 and similar noise reference methods for stationary boundary noise measurements. At each monitoring location, a Class-2 or higher noise meter is mounted on a tripod stand with the instrument microphone set at 1.5 meters’ height from the ground level, at least 1.5 meters from the perimeter fence and more than 3.5 meters from any reflecting structure other than the ground (e.g. walls, buildings and other reflecting surfaces). EnviroMet also deploys a portable meteorological station to determine the wind direction, wind speed, temperature and humidity during the noise monitoring.

EnviroMet provides the complete solution for CEMS/PEMS services from QA/QC planning, certification test and reporting to even installing and operating temporary systems to collect data for Predictive Emissions Monitoring Systems (PEMS) development. EnviroMet performs certification tests such as Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) as per 40 CFR Part 60 and 75, quarterly and annual QA/QC audits

EnviroMet can provide Air Dispersion Studies using the Gaussian Air Dispersion Model AERMOD. This software is used extensively to assess pollution concentration and deposition from a wide variety of sources in locations all over the world.
